Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
Eating regular meals five days a week and markedly reducing calories for the other two days may be the best way to lose weight and keep it off. This approach to weight loss is called “intermittent fasting.” Intermittent fasting can lower blood sugar and fat levels, reduce high blood pressure, help people lose weight, and help to prevent and treat diabetes and heart attacks (British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, April 2013). In this workshop you will learn how to do intermittent fasting, the foods to include and how much exercise to do.

 Energy Balance and Weight Control, Do Calories Really Matter?
This workshop shows how dieting may actually make you gain body fat even when the weight on the scale is decreasing. You will also find out what a healthy body composition is and how where you wear your fat may be as important as how much fat you actually have. You will also learn about the 4 types of energy balance and how to adjust your energy balance to achieve a healthy weight goal.

Energy Budgeting for Health and Performance
To effectively manage your body composition for health and performance it is important to know your daily caloric requirements. In this workshop you will learn how to “best estimate” your energy requirements based on your body composition and physical activity level. This will help you to determine an energy budget with the amount and types of foods that you need to eat to meet your health and body composition goals.

10,000 Steps a Day to a Healthy Bottom Line
There is a consensus among fitness and health professionals that the ancient art of walking is still one of the best, cheapest and safest ways to maintain or develop health/fitness, help stabilize or lose weight and to manage the daily stressors of life. The single best stimulus to walk, other than the pleasure of walking itself, is the pedometer. The pedometer allows you to be an informed walker by counting your steps, calories burned and distance traveled. This workshop will introduce participants to the pleasures of active living and the Japanese art of “Man-po Kei”, which literally means “10,000 step meter”.